Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos

1. I think that Christian's work is cool, unique, and eye catching. It kind of hurts my eyes at first, but after that its easy to tell what he's kind of doing.
2. Maybe Christian Rhum made his work by combining different photos together, using different equipment together too?
3. Some building to use for this can be the Statue of Liberty, all that needs to be done is going to New York to go see it. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy, so it is easy access.

Part 2

Part 3
1. Edgar Muller, Vincent Van Gogh, and Normal Rockwell. All of their paintings tell a story, they all show a different perspective and they all hold something important in them.
Norman Rockwell's painting looks so much like an actual picture that it just seems like it shows an amazing story, that the runaway (which is the painting's name, Runaway) and the police officer are getting along.

4. The photographer in that took this picture seems to have followed the suggestions quite well. It shows the boy waiting for a bit, maybe wondering where he will go next. It shows a different story, he kept his teddy bear, something that he hold dear to him.
5. I think that all of these photos might inspire me. I'm not 100% sure, but who knows?

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