Friday, September 18, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. When I was trying to get the four prompts (Happy, Bowie, Metal and Square) there was a problem with trying to understand what the prompt meant, how to take a picture of it, bring the prompt into the picture. Square and Metal were probably the hardest out of the four to take; with Square I kept thinking something that is a square, rather than things that made one or something that seemed "square," if that makes sense; with Metal I just stuck with an object with metal or made of metal, I could've thought of something that seemed "hardcore" and not what an object was/is made of.

2. Taking the pictures isn't that easy, theres the position the cameras in, what lens to use, what settings, focus, ect. and when I was taking the pictures I kept thinking about the focus. Focus in a picture is super important, it can give a picture a more dramatic feel, make the viewers eyes look at something in particular (usually the focus), and it can also make the picture more of a picture rather than a blur of colors. For my picture of the butterfly I made the flowers, and the butterfly, the focus and left one of Bowie's buildings to blur out.

3. If I did the assignment again I would made sure that the focus is better, because some of the pictures I didn't use were blurry, I would also use different angles so the picture would be more unique.

4. I would keep the picture of the butterfly and the picture of the flower the same, mostly because for the butterfly one I would have to find it again and that probably won't happen. The flower one I could retake and use a different angle, but I personally think that the time which I took it was good with the time of day was almost right, it was bright and not too cloudy.

5. The rules of composition that I used are not very good, I'll just go ahead and say that. The one for Happy with lines was more of a, "I'm not 100% sure what rule I used in this, it looks like line," honestly. Other than that the one with the flagpole did hit simplicity pretty well, my opinion. Of course Merger wasn't hard not to avoid so there is the shadow one, too, but it isn't the best.

6. If I could retake the prompt I would. There are so many ideas that I have now, some that I would love to try and use. For that reason, mostly, I would like to re-do this assignment sometimes, but there are some pictures that I couldn't take again and some that I could.

Photo Prompt Review

In the pictures that Alyssa took they had good focus and the prompts are easily shown, as well as the rules of composition. With some of the pictures she took they were dark and hard to see, like her Merger one, or what she took a picture of was overused by other people. I don't blame her because she didn't know. If she could've found different angles to take the pictures then maybe the light wouldn't be such a problem, personal opinion. In most of her pictures, like the Merger and Bowie, she could've taken it at a different angle. For the Bowie one she could've kept the focus the sign, but have Bowie in the background or something else besides the plants.

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