Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day Photos

These are my "First Day Photos" for Photo Journalism. The first one is a picture of the pit, the one that will remind me of my first day at school. Even though the Pit is probably overused for photos, its also the most common place that people from Bowie seem to remember. (I cannot make calls for everyone, but both of my siblings said that its something they remember very well.)
The second one is of my partners that were in my group as we walked around to take pictures for this assignment. I would totally retake this picture if I could, what I wanted to do was get a picture of their reflections in a door/window of the school. I just didn't have enough guts to ask them to move. This picture is not good, they're just standing there doing nothing except awkwardly standing there, waiting for the picture to be over with.

The third one is supposed to be a picture of a bee, for my nature picture, but it just mostly is a picture of the flower the bees are on. I was trying to get the bee to be (no pun intended) the focus of the photo.

The fourth picture is through a window on the lower floor of the school that faces the courtyard.  I just thought it was a cool way to take a picture of the courtyard, to include the frame of the window in it. The frame of the window seems to give the picture more of an "edge," or "texture." Kind of an "Old Picture" feel. This photo isn't really good, mostly because its just a picture of the area, something that most people will do. Its not really unique in a certain way; to me a good picture is one that is unique, one that others can't necessarily think of.

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