Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulation Article
In the article that talked about what happened to people once they changed how a photo looked and what it was supposed to mean to the public,  there were a few people that changed some pictures in a way that hurt them. Some people lost their job because of an "April Fools" joke/prank, the reason why is because what they did offended a religion/country or was just plain lying to scare other people. When someone changes a picture it should be for the better good, like making someone easier to see and not making them to dark if they're African American or black, because that just offends them.

When people use photo editing to make someone, themselves, or something seem better than everyone/thing else, its not right. From personal opinion, photo editing should be used to make things easier to see, to make things lighter or darker just in a way that won't offend people. If photo editing is used to make a black person darker then it shouldn't have been done, it'll hurt that one person and others, too.

Most Unethical and Least Unethical

Most Unethical
 Above is the original picture before it was altered, a soldier is helping a man who is carrying his baby.
This is the picture that has been altered, the picture of the soldier is different. The soldier now is turned to the side and stretching his arm out telling the man to stop moving, basically telling him that if he doesn't he will shoot him. There was also a man behind the soldier kneeling down and he isn't there anymore.

 Least Unethical
The picture above is the original picture of a woman screaming over a dead body after they had been shot.

Here is the picture that has been altered, it doesn't look like anything is wrong except for the fact that everything is darker. The shadows have been enhanced, along with anything black in the picture. Comparing this to some of the other pictures that have been changed, this one isn't that bad. There is nothing here to really offend someone, or if it does it probably isn't that bad.

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