Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Five Prompts

 In this picture I was trying to get the Happy prompt, also using the rule of leading lines. The steps that she is sitting on are pointing to her, the lines from the rocks look like they're going towards the steps. What I could've done better is find a different place to take a happy photo instead of the stairs, there isn't really any lines that lead to her besides the stairs, there were plenty of other places-like the bricks on the ground-that I could've used instead. When taking this photo I was focussing more on the girl rather than the rule which was a bit of a mistake. If I were to retake the photo, I would use the bricks, keep her smiling and relaxed.

 This picture I was trying to get the Metal theme, the flag pole was more of an interesting object to take a picture of, rather than the bars on the gates. The gates just didn't have a position where a picture for simplicity could be taken really, too many other objects-people-would get in the way and distract the viewers eyes from the main focus. In the picture the pole isn't too up-close when leading up to the sky and the flags; the light from the sun makes one side of the sky brighter, the other darker which is just more appealing to the eyes; the way the flags are blowing in the wind make the picture a bit merger, but the flags seem to be pointing to the darker side of the sky, too. 

This picture is the theme of Squares, how? Look at the flower and how some of the petals cut off the stems, making a square or a rectangle. The background is unfocussed so the viewer can look at the flower and bee, making it almost rules of thirds. 
 This picture of the shadows of two people and the flagpole is Merger. The outline of the two people mix together with the outline of the flagpole, making it hard to tell the difference between the two(or three if you want to count the two people separately.) Since the shadows are basically the same color Merger makes sense.
The main focus is the Tiger Butterfly, but the theme is Bowie because Bowie is in the background, but its blurred out. While the viewer is looking at the butterfly they are also looks at Bowie, just not directly. In this picture the rule is balanced, there are flowers on both side, the butterfly is more in the middle than on a side which equals both sides out a little more. The right side is a little more "heavy" though.


  1. I really like the colors and the use of the rule of thirds in your Square photo. I think your Bowie photo could be improved by choosing a simpler background, creating an emphasis on the subject instead of distracting from the subject with the many colors in the background.

  2. I really like flowers and how you were able to get the background to be blurry but really focus on the flower.
    Sometimes the background would be a little bit too much but it still looks really good.
