Monday, April 4, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Alexa Robinson, Freshmen
What: Is student of the month
Where: At Bowie High School
When: The month of March 2016
Why: More involved in and outside of school and has good grades
How: Selected by Student Council

Lede:     Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment and something to be reflected upon for future reference, for the month of March 2016 freshmen Alexa Robison was chosen by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades.

New Lede + Nut Graf:    Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment that Freshman Alexa Robinson was honored with for the month of March 2016 by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades. Just because something looks good on college resumes doesn't mean its easy, becoming Student of the Month is a long ride of hard work and keeping up with things going on both in and outside of school.

When choosing a student for Student of the Month the Student Council has to look into the candidates and pick [the best] one.

"It's not always easy to pick a student, especially when two or more students are practically the same with their grades," Student Council President Aurora Flyod said. "We usually look into their involvements in school and see either who puts more of their time into helping the school, or who does more."

Grades may be a huge

Being Student of the Month isn't a very easy road to be on, finding balance with time makes the road have some twists and curves.

"Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate," Robinson said.

Quite a bit of students, including students who were previously Student of the Month, need some motivation to keep them on track and to keep trying their best.

"Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are important to you," Robinson explained.

Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment that Freshman Alexa Robinson was honored with for the month of March 2016 by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades. Just because something looks good on college resumes doesn't mean its easy, becoming Student of the Month is a long ride of hard work and keeping up with things going on both in and outside of school.

When choosing a student for Student of the Month the Student Council has to look into the candidates and pick [the best] one.

"It's not always easy to pick a student, especially when two or more students are practically the same with their grades," Student Council President Aurora Floyd said. "We usually look into their involvements in school and see either who puts more of their time into helping the school, or who does more [in general]."

Grades may be a huge part of being chosen for Student of the Month, but it also can be unfair to a lot of students.

“Those who worked really hard to get [chosen for] Student of the Month may feel stupid for not being chosen,” Robinson said. “Some people are way smarter and don’t get the chance to show their intelligence to others outside of class.”

The Student Council tries to avoid students feeling as if its unfair, but they use grades as a major reference for candidates.

“Grades are something we, the Student Council, lean back on to make sure the student is really doing their work and would be a good role model to others,” Student Council Secretary Nathalie Ardent said. “Just because someone has really good grades doesn’t always mean that they will be picked.”

Being Student of the Month isn't a very easy road to be on, finding balance with time makes the road have some twists and curves.

"Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate," Robinson said.

Quite a bit of students, including students who were previously Student of the Month, need some motivation to keep them on track and to keep trying their best.

"Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are important to you," Robinson explained.

Not every student who has been picked for SOTM has taken the ride solo and have received help in classes, but Alexa has decided to offer help to other students than receive it.

“I know what it’s like to not want to ask for help and not get things, I don’t want others to be in that position,” Robinson said.

Overall, being chosen for Student of the Month isn’t a road full of glory, but it’s a way to make students feel good about themselves.

“I feel pretty excited and special to have been chosen for Student of the Month,” Robinson said.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I graded your story, check it out! (:
