Friday, April 8, 2016

News Values

Human Interest:
 I think that this story shows the emotional struggle of families losing a loved one and giving their organs to someone who needs it, which makes the person in need's family happier and grateful. Not only does the story show that, but it shows the struggle and reality of how things are, how not everything is easy.

"BEIJING — When Cao Yanfang left her nursing job to become a full-time “human organ donation coordinator,” someone who asks families to donate their just-deceased relatives’ organs, she set herself the goal of persuading one in 100 families to give. That was in 2010, when China set up a nationwide voluntary donation system."

This article not only shows the kid compared to the ute alligator, but the weird alligator itself. The article clearly proves that people can find weird, but interesting, things almost anywhere in the world.

"In an April 2 Facebook post, the nearly 15-foot alligator is shown hanging from a John Deerebulldozer. The alligator was harvested during "a guided gator hunt" on the farm."

This story keeps track of the time and it shows that just recently the former minister was arrested and taken to prison. It's a relatively new story and new facts that are [just] shown.

"BEIRUT, Lebanon — A former minister in the Lebanese government convicted last year of terrorism-related charges was sentenced on Friday to 13 years in prison, Lebanon’s official National News Agency said."


This article shows that children and their families who are refugees are getting poisoned from living n wastelands. Not only does the article prove that their conflict with the waste, but it also proves that some people are trying to relieve the conflict.
"Hundreds of Roma families in Kosovo, who were forced to live for more than a decade in squalid United Nations camps built on toxic wasteland that leached lead and poisoned their children, have long become accustomed to frustration and despair." 

I don't really know if this is something "major" because I bet this happens frequently in other countries with their "wars". If something happens a lot then why should it be publicized more than once?

"BEIRUT, Lebanon — Islamic State fighters abducted at least 170 workers from a cement factory northeast of the Syrian capital, Damascus, when the militant group attacked the area this week, activists and the Syrian government said on Thursday."
If some people see this it could get them thinking and wondering if [our] vice president does these kinds of things and if [they] should impeach him. Articles that view different kinds of opinions can heavily affect how someone thinks.

"RIO DE JANEIRO — A justice on Brazil’s high court ruled on Tuesday that an impeachment request made against the country’s vice president, Michel Temer — who had been expected to take over the presidency if Dilma Rousseff were to be ousted — must also be considered by the country’s Congress while it holds hearings about removing Ms. Rousseff."

Race and death penalties are a huge thing here in Texas and if it keeps happening more and more people may act out. Mobs, petitions, ect. all kinds of things could happen and not a lot of them are good, so it can put the safety of people in danger.

"This month, the Supreme Court will consider whether to hear the appeal of Duane Buck, a black man from Texas who was sentenced to die for the 1995 murder of his ex-girlfriend and a man who was with her. There is no dispute about his guilt; the issue is how he ended up on death row." 

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