Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Final Exam Plan

1. I will be shooting this assignment on Saturday April 30, 2016.
2. I will be taking pictures (saying shooting for this sounds like I'm gonna be actually shooting people) on the road and at a breeders house.
3. My story is about a family-my family-getting a puppy
4. I need my camera, the puppies, more puppies, and puppies! (I just really need my camera and my different lens)
5. So, I'm planning on taking pictures as we travel to Houston and getting some nice shots of the different roads, the land around, some cool little tricks with moving cars, the house (as long as its okay with the breeder who I can't remember her name), where the puppies are, the puppy being put in the car (she'll be by my feet the whole ride!), and then the ride home, introducing her to the house, seeing how the cats react and then well-a! I plan on using the video to show the puppies together and the narration when we're getting close to the house, when I use the video, when we're leaving, arriving home, and then at the end.

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