Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Photography

1. By setting the camera in AEB mode, changing the exposer, maybe the angle/height of the tripod.
2. I'll need a tripod, a HDR blending program, and a camera.
3. Someone may take these kinds of pictures to have fun with the effects and have a cool picture.
4. When merging the photos, something new will come out of it. Some of the objects or colors may extend the photo, or it may add a whole new dimension or look on it too.

My Final Exam Plan

1. I will be shooting this assignment on Saturday April 30, 2016.
2. I will be taking pictures (saying shooting for this sounds like I'm gonna be actually shooting people) on the road and at a breeders house.
3. My story is about a family-my family-getting a puppy
4. I need my camera, the puppies, more puppies, and puppies! (I just really need my camera and my different lens)
5. So, I'm planning on taking pictures as we travel to Houston and getting some nice shots of the different roads, the land around, some cool little tricks with moving cars, the house (as long as its okay with the breeder who I can't remember her name), where the puppies are, the puppy being put in the car (she'll be by my feet the whole ride!), and then the ride home, introducing her to the house, seeing how the cats react and then well-a! I plan on using the video to show the puppies together and the narration when we're getting close to the house, when I use the video, when we're leaving, arriving home, and then at the end.


Wearable Electronics Story

Senior Self Letter

Motorcycle Story

Monday, April 18, 2016

Opinion Writing part 2

1. You want to use something that you care strongly for, know what you felt and feel, and something that the readers can understand where you're coming from.
2. Details keep the readers in, but generalizations keep them away from reading more/keep them out.
3. Don't start each sentence with the same word, keep the "rhythm" different and interesting.
    Try to make connections so the reader is more interested in reading the story
    Use the hook to your advantage to get the readers to want to read more
    Think of your story/essay as a camera lens

1. Victoria Bui wrote this story.
2. It's about not texting and driving, keeping your eyes on the road and not your phone screen.
3. Victoria does not support people texting and driving, she believes that no one would want to lose someone they love just because the person wanted to use their phone when they were driving. "If they knew that the person they’re texting was driving, they would not want to have that guilt that it was their fault that they got in a crash and people got hurt or even killed them. That feeling would end up always be flowing in their minds and feeling like its their fault like “Why did I even text them?” "
4. She didn't really say how the other side may feel, but she did say that people always think that they can multi-task when they really can't.
5. Victoria cleverly backs up one of her statements, about the driver blaming their parents for wondering where they are, with, "That's when pulling over or having one of your passengers respond becomes an option." This gives any wishy-washy thoughts no chance to change the story.
6. There are no direct quotes, but theres is a "quote" of what someone may think if they kill someone else by texting and driving.
7. They wrote in 2nd/3rd person.

1. Hana Ali wrote this story.
2. This story is about the stubble Syrian refugees are having to survive and that they still are humans.
3. Hana doesn't really have too much of an opinion in her story, she's trying to let people know that they're (the refugees) are still human and that they deserve a chance as much as we do. "Many wonder why refugees can’t return to their homeland. Well, just like many of us would be, they are fearful of terroristic threats. In reality however, they are experiencing terrorism first-hand. "
4. She did counter her own statement with addressing that some people fear that they are terrorists, but she easily parried back by saying that the U.S. can interview them, go over medical conditions, and security screenings.
5. The story is a bit wishy-washy but doesn't fall apart, Hana back up each statement cleverly.
6. There aren't any quotes.
7. She wrote in 3rd and 2nd person.

1. Kiara Nieto.
2. This story is about how students express themselves at school and why it's important.
3. Kiara herself doesn't really have an opinion on it, except for saying, "Expressing who you are and what you like is a big part of our lives and it’s good to know when other people appreciate the same things you do, such as art, music, and thoughts "
4. She just kept along with how students express themselves, nothing else.
5. There's no way Kiara could've backed up her opinion about expressing ones self, so it can be wishy-washy, like if someone brought up self-esteem then there is really no way for her to say "well, you can..." or something. And just because it can make someone feel good, doesn't always mean they would like to.
6. There are quotes in this story.
7. she wrote in mostly 3rd person.

Peer Review/Grading and Opinion Preview

I was absent for this assignment.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Earthquake Story

Who: People at McHenry's Auto Supply
What: Earthquake hit, people were killed
Where: San Francisco Bay
When: 8:12 am
Why: The building collapsed
How: The quake broke down the building enough to let it collapse

   Being woken up by screams and a big jolt caused by an earthquake probably isn’t the best way to be woken up at 8:12 in the morning at San Francisco Bay. Not only were people woken up, but 2 people were killed and 6 were seriously injured in the forcefully collapsed building of McHenry’s Auto Supply caused by the quake.

  Hayward firefighters went to the auto shop and used ropes to stabilize the building long enough to conduct a search for the gas leak.

   “The epicenter of the earthquake, which has a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richer scale, was under Hayward Hills,” U.S. Geological scientist Penny Gertz said. “The quake was a strong one [and] it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hill.”

   Not only having the firefighters respond meant more people were safe and less could potentially be injured.

   “Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arrive within four minutes of the quake,” public information officer from Hayward Fire Department Jennifer Vu said.

   Out of the six people who were injured, only three needed to be hospitialized at the Hayward General Hosptial.

   “People as far south as Los Angeles and far north as Redding felt the quake,” Gertz said.

   The families of those who died in the quake are being informed of their passing.

   “Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families,” Vu said.

  Some people, like Hayward resident Mike Beamer, only felt the jolt and the 30 seconds of rumbling.

   “I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling,” Beamer said. “ I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew my window. That’s when the screaming start[ed] across the street.”

Huntington Story

Who: Janice Jones
What: Was shot in the knee
Where: Barstow, California  & Beach Boulevard near Highway 1
When: 10 pm
Why: Dog knocked a 9mm handgun off of seat
How: Gun was too close to the edge of the seat/an accident

   Being shot in the knee by a dog may sound unbelievable, but at 10 p.m in Barstow, California, near Highway 1, 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in the knee by her dog who knocked a 9 mm handgun off a seat in their motor home.

   Jones was taken to the Huntington Beach Hospital soon after and Jones’ Pomeranian, Tombo, was taken to the Huntington Beach Animal Care for further care.

  After getting Jones to the hospital California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye looked at the motor home where the gun went off.

   “It could have been worse,” Rye said. “The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank.”

  Jones wasn’t the only one who needed to be looked at, her dog Tombo had been abused and has cigarette burns on its forehead.

  “ It could have been a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” Animal Control officer Janet Ngo said.


News Values

Human Interest:
 I think that this story shows the emotional struggle of families losing a loved one and giving their organs to someone who needs it, which makes the person in need's family happier and grateful. Not only does the story show that, but it shows the struggle and reality of how things are, how not everything is easy.

"BEIJING — When Cao Yanfang left her nursing job to become a full-time “human organ donation coordinator,” someone who asks families to donate their just-deceased relatives’ organs, she set herself the goal of persuading one in 100 families to give. That was in 2010, when China set up a nationwide voluntary donation system."

This article not only shows the kid compared to the ute alligator, but the weird alligator itself. The article clearly proves that people can find weird, but interesting, things almost anywhere in the world.

"In an April 2 Facebook post, the nearly 15-foot alligator is shown hanging from a John Deerebulldozer. The alligator was harvested during "a guided gator hunt" on the farm."

This story keeps track of the time and it shows that just recently the former minister was arrested and taken to prison. It's a relatively new story and new facts that are [just] shown.

"BEIRUT, Lebanon — A former minister in the Lebanese government convicted last year of terrorism-related charges was sentenced on Friday to 13 years in prison, Lebanon’s official National News Agency said."


This article shows that children and their families who are refugees are getting poisoned from living n wastelands. Not only does the article prove that their conflict with the waste, but it also proves that some people are trying to relieve the conflict.
"Hundreds of Roma families in Kosovo, who were forced to live for more than a decade in squalid United Nations camps built on toxic wasteland that leached lead and poisoned their children, have long become accustomed to frustration and despair." 

I don't really know if this is something "major" because I bet this happens frequently in other countries with their "wars". If something happens a lot then why should it be publicized more than once?

"BEIRUT, Lebanon — Islamic State fighters abducted at least 170 workers from a cement factory northeast of the Syrian capital, Damascus, when the militant group attacked the area this week, activists and the Syrian government said on Thursday."
If some people see this it could get them thinking and wondering if [our] vice president does these kinds of things and if [they] should impeach him. Articles that view different kinds of opinions can heavily affect how someone thinks.

"RIO DE JANEIRO — A justice on Brazil’s high court ruled on Tuesday that an impeachment request made against the country’s vice president, Michel Temer — who had been expected to take over the presidency if Dilma Rousseff were to be ousted — must also be considered by the country’s Congress while it holds hearings about removing Ms. Rousseff."

Race and death penalties are a huge thing here in Texas and if it keeps happening more and more people may act out. Mobs, petitions, ect. all kinds of things could happen and not a lot of them are good, so it can put the safety of people in danger.

"This month, the Supreme Court will consider whether to hear the appeal of Duane Buck, a black man from Texas who was sentenced to die for the 1995 murder of his ex-girlfriend and a man who was with her. There is no dispute about his guilt; the issue is how he ended up on death row." 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Le Nut Graff

Nut Graf:  Usually a Nut Graf is the next sentence following the Lede/Lead paragraph, or it could be the next paragraph, and explains why the story is important, it also can hook the reader more; the graff is also used as a bridge to connect the lead to the actual story, giving the story more to explain in detail, and to prep for the body of the story.
The Nut Graf's length can depend on the story, sometimes the But Graf can be 1-2 sentences long or it can be longer if needed (not recommended). Nut Grafs have to be placed after the Lead sentence. Normally when prepping for the body, the Nut Graf can pull in some new information.

**   Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment that Freshman Alexa Robinson was honored with for the month of March 2016 by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades. Just because something looks good on college resumes doesn't mean its easy, becoming Student of the Month is a long ride of hard work and keeping up with things going on both in and outside of school.    **

Student of the Month Story

Who: Alexa Robinson, Freshmen
What: Is student of the month
Where: At Bowie High School
When: The month of March 2016
Why: More involved in and outside of school and has good grades
How: Selected by Student Council

Lede:     Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment and something to be reflected upon for future reference, for the month of March 2016 freshmen Alexa Robison was chosen by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades.

New Lede + Nut Graf:    Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment that Freshman Alexa Robinson was honored with for the month of March 2016 by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades. Just because something looks good on college resumes doesn't mean its easy, becoming Student of the Month is a long ride of hard work and keeping up with things going on both in and outside of school.

When choosing a student for Student of the Month the Student Council has to look into the candidates and pick [the best] one.

"It's not always easy to pick a student, especially when two or more students are practically the same with their grades," Student Council President Aurora Flyod said. "We usually look into their involvements in school and see either who puts more of their time into helping the school, or who does more."

Grades may be a huge

Being Student of the Month isn't a very easy road to be on, finding balance with time makes the road have some twists and curves.

"Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate," Robinson said.

Quite a bit of students, including students who were previously Student of the Month, need some motivation to keep them on track and to keep trying their best.

"Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are important to you," Robinson explained.

Being picked for Student of the Month at Bowie High School is a big accomplishment that Freshman Alexa Robinson was honored with for the month of March 2016 by the Student Council for being more involved in and outside of school and for having extraordinary grades. Just because something looks good on college resumes doesn't mean its easy, becoming Student of the Month is a long ride of hard work and keeping up with things going on both in and outside of school.

When choosing a student for Student of the Month the Student Council has to look into the candidates and pick [the best] one.

"It's not always easy to pick a student, especially when two or more students are practically the same with their grades," Student Council President Aurora Floyd said. "We usually look into their involvements in school and see either who puts more of their time into helping the school, or who does more [in general]."

Grades may be a huge part of being chosen for Student of the Month, but it also can be unfair to a lot of students.

“Those who worked really hard to get [chosen for] Student of the Month may feel stupid for not being chosen,” Robinson said. “Some people are way smarter and don’t get the chance to show their intelligence to others outside of class.”

The Student Council tries to avoid students feeling as if its unfair, but they use grades as a major reference for candidates.

“Grades are something we, the Student Council, lean back on to make sure the student is really doing their work and would be a good role model to others,” Student Council Secretary Nathalie Ardent said. “Just because someone has really good grades doesn’t always mean that they will be picked.”

Being Student of the Month isn't a very easy road to be on, finding balance with time makes the road have some twists and curves.

"Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate," Robinson said.

Quite a bit of students, including students who were previously Student of the Month, need some motivation to keep them on track and to keep trying their best.

"Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are important to you," Robinson explained.

Not every student who has been picked for SOTM has taken the ride solo and have received help in classes, but Alexa has decided to offer help to other students than receive it.

“I know what it’s like to not want to ask for help and not get things, I don’t want others to be in that position,” Robinson said.

Overall, being chosen for Student of the Month isn’t a road full of glory, but it’s a way to make students feel good about themselves.

“I feel pretty excited and special to have been chosen for Student of the Month,” Robinson said.

Inverted Pyramid