Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Travis Haughton
The general focus is a kid who is deaf, just the disabilities people are born with and some sports
Dislikes: 1. The focus of a head is off putting 2. Sometimes its hard to tell what the photo is when the focus is mostly on an intimate object  3. Some of them look "set up" 4. No signs
Likes: 1. The oddness of the guy with the cotton candy looks good  2. Having some of the pictures be a little looser
This portfolio is, to me, kind of weird in general but I like it. The pictures that Travis shot are good, especially the ones that focus with sports. There isn't anything that really stands out for me.

Sam Adams
The general focus is people, so photoj.
Dislikes: 1. Silhouettes  2. When there are some tilts  3. Telephone lines
Likes: 1. When theres more action in the picture  2. Framing in black and white when the bikers are coming at the photographer
I think that this portfolio is good, there are some things that put it off like a really clear on going theme (to me) and that some of the pictures could be better than what he got. Putting that aside, the portfolio is interesting and has some good shots that really are there and something that I love to see like the bikers who are sitting at the "vodo pool" (thats what they called it) and the sun is setting with a beautiful view of the hills behind it with the sky.

Daryl Peveto
The general focus is Photoj, seniors, and just in general life.
Dislikes: 1. Very bland pictures  2. Frames/captions that are overused or used "wrong" 3.
Likes: 1. Good lighting on the subject  2. Good color balance in the overall picture
This portfolio could've been way better, there isn't anything that really stands out and nothing seems really good. I really don't like how "bland" the photos they take seem or are, the only pictures I like are when the picture is split showing two different scenes between walls.

Dustin Snipes
A. How tight the picture is, grittiness, the color texture, the set up in a picture, having people doing something in the photo.
B. How photoshopped some things are in a picture, too much chaos in a picture

Contest Recap
A. The judges first go through all the portfolios, after they go through all of them they look at all of the portfolios WITHOUT flipping through the whole thing an just looking at the whole view in order. The talk about what pictures stand/stood out to them.

Individual Images
1. The picture that I agree with the judges on is the one where the (supposedly woman) is playing tennis leans her head back, raises her arms up in somewhat fists, her racket is falling down and she just seems really happy. The picture itself is really beautiful, the racket is at the perfect angle where you can see what it is and the picture can be tighter but the viewer will still know what it is of. (No pro/ No college)
2. The picture I disagree with the judges is where theres a girl in the hot tub, submerging herself under the water next to the diving board and pool. The view is in birds eye, so the viewer can get a good look. I really don't like how its birds eye, nothing strands out to me and because she's in the middle of the picture and is the main focus, it takes away from the potential this picture could've had.

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