Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Interview (But It's Really Not)

20 Questions for Student of the Month

1. How do you feel about being chosen for the student of the month?
2.Does being SOTM put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders? (Follow up: How does it affect you?)
3. What do you do outside of school/for the community?
4. Do you help other students when you can, why or why not?
5. What school activities are you in?
6. Why are you in those activities?
7. What activity do you like the most?
8.  How do you think your teachers feel about you being chosen?
9. How do you feel about grades being a major part of being chosen for SOTM?
10. Which class do you do best in?
11. How much time do you spend studying?
12. What troubles do you have with balancing your time between school and activities?
13. What are some tips you would give to students for balancing their time for school and outside activities?
14.  If you could choose one thing that you would be better at, what would it be? (FU: Why did you pick that?)
15.  Why do you think some students have trouble with school?
16.  What kind of tips would you give to other students who aren't doing well in school to do better?
17. If you were asked to tutor some other students, would you? (FU: Why or why not?)
18.  What kind of clubs are you in if you are in one? (Follow up: What does that club do?)
19. Were there any difficulties you ran into during the year with school? (FU: What were they? How did you overcome them?)
20. What are some of the most memorable moments you've had this year so far?

Interviewee: Alexa Robinson, 9th Grader
Interviewer: Rebecca Melnick

Student of the Month
  1. I feel pretty excited and special to have been chosen for Student of The Month. **
  2. Kind of, people think that I have to have good grades and be a really hard worker.
  3. Outside of school I'm in Cross Country and track, for CR I do races for 2 and 3 miles, track I do the 100. I also have an internship and volunteer at a hospital and church.
  4. Yes, I know what it's like to not want to ask for help and not get things; I don't want others to be in that position.
  5. I'm in cross country, tack, and I'm going to start taking Sports Medicine. In sports med. I will work with coaches and trainers to tend to injured players in sports, I also just started the class.
  6. I did cross country to stay fit and I really like running. I'm also interested in sports medicine because I like to help people.
  7. I like cross country the most because I met a lot of friends and it really helps relieve stress I have.
  8. My teachers are most likely proud of me for being Student of The Month, I'm their student so they're probably proud and happy because their hard work paid off, and because of the bragging rights.
  9. Grades should be a big reason for SOTM to be picked, grades are a big part of life, but it's also unfair because those who work really hard to get SOTM may feel stupid for not being chosen. Some people are way smarter and don't/won't get the chance to really show their intelligence to others outside of class.
  10. The class I do the best in is Pre-AP Algebra 1, with Ms. Manscalco, (may be spelt wrong right now) I get numbers easily and the formulas are getting easier to get down.
  11. During the weekdays I spend about 1 and a half to 2 hours studying, so per week I spend maybe [up to] 18 hours depending on how busy I am, I also spend more time studying during the weekdays rather than the weekends.
  12. Well, with school work I don't always want to focus on it or do too much, so I almost always find something else to do. I also can be kind of lazy and procrastinate sometimes.
  13. Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are straight/important to you.
  14. Time management is something I'm not too good at and wish to get better with, when I get lazy or want to do something else it's hard to get back on track to what I was doing before.
  15. I think that some students have trouble with school, because it can be hard to focus on school work and the teacher. Just remember your goals and what's important to you in school.
  16. Go ahead and ask for help, don't be afraid to ask because when you get that help it will show in the future and when you have the "Ah-hah!" moment you'll be proud of yourself.
  17. It depends on how busy I am and what subject I would help the student with, it it's english 1 or pre-AP algebra 1 I will gladly help and tutor someone.
  18. I'm currently not in a club, but I'd really like to join the Red Cross club next year because it helps out the community and people in general.
  19. Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate. I also had some trouble adjusting to the environment of high school from being in middle school.
  20. Some of my most memorable moments that happened this year was doing my first cross country race and making a lot of friends plus hanging out with them.

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