Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Architecture and Preview Assignment

1. I agree with the statement, most of what we get from a foreign place reminds us of the trip, what it was like to be there, the people, the culture, and food even. These souvenirs are kept as reminders for us and as something special.
This statement makes me feel like there's a ton more in pictures that can be explained with words, even if its just something simple like a little marble in the palm of a child's hand. Some pictures are also a souvenir to us visitors.

2.  I personally do not want to go there with my camera and takes pictures, there's just so much going on in those booths and I don't feel like it can make a connection to the viewer besides, "Oh hey, that looks like a cool place to go" and that's just not something I like.

3.  As a child, it seems like working in one of those booths would be hard, there's so many toys that they can't play with, they have to keep themselves "under check" and not lose control.  At the same time, I think it would be fun and interesting, they would get to see new people, talk to other people, and look at new booths too.

4. My favorite picture is  of the girl and her mom sitting at a plastic red table surrounded by selves of glass plates/china. The desk with the computer is clean, but in front of it its a bit of a mess. I love how this picture doesn't have so much going on and how they seem calm; it just makes the whole shopping center seem nicer.

5 Places

Hundertwasserhaus, Germany

1.  Friedensreich Hundertwasser was the architect
2.  It was built in 1998-2000
3. It's located in Darmstadt, Germany
4. People can visit this building, its an apartment building
5. No
6. It was started being built in 1998 and was completed in 2000, the building is used as an apartment building.
7. I chose this building because I thought it was interesting, I like seeing buildings in countries that are in my family lineage and wonder if anyone in my family has seen it. Besides that, I thought that it looked cool. I don't need to see amazing buildings to find it interesting, even if a building is very big or super small.

Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Santiago Calatrava was the architect
2. It was built in 2001
3. The location of this building is in Malmö, Sweden
4. The Turning Torso is a residential skyscraper, people can visit
5.  It cost around $220 million to build
6. There isn't really any information.
7. This building has always interested me, although I never knew what it was called. Because this building was buit to kind of turn at a 90 degree angle, it looks like it's twisting, like it will fall onto the ground. Even though there are some weird supports on the building, it still looks really cool/weird to be inside of or even live in. What doesn't look cool or even jaw-dropping about this building?

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria

1. Colin Fournier and Peter Cook were the architects
2. 2003 was when it was built
3. Its located in Graz, Austria
4. This building is meant to hold art productions, mostly assuming that people can visit.
5. Cant find how much it cost
6. This building is also know as the "blob architecture" and was mostly built to "procure contemporary art productions".
7. I thought that this building looked unique. People don't see something like this everyday or call a building a blob. When something has an unusual name, people want to see why. In this case, I don't see a blob; I see a weird looking heart. This building is mostly made out of glass, apparently, so when I think of a heart I think of something more fragile and it all fits together.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. The architect for this building is Nicholas Grimshaw
2. The construction stared in 2000
3. Its located in Cornwall, Untied Kingdom
4. This building is extremely open to the public
5. This attraction costed 140 million euros to build
6. The eden project was built to be like the lost gardens of Heligan, which Tim Smit was restoring and finding more of.
7. Ever since 5th grade, Ive been interested in looking at attractions in either different countries or different states. One day I came across the Eden Project and was like, "Whoa, this is really cool" and behold, I've come across it again.  Because the Eden Project has different climates and plants, it's really family friendly and a pretty cool place to go on a field trip for school.

Habitat 67, Canada

1. The architect was Moshe Safdie
2. It was opened in 1967
3. The location for this building is in Montréal, Canada
4. It's open to people
5. I can't find how much it cost to build
6. Safdie felt that it was "more efficient" to have  buildings and factories in the same thing, like a package.
7. Something about these buildings interest me, I can't explain it. Just because something isn't colorful doesn't mean that its  not cool or not interesting. The way that it's shaped is just very intriguing and with its name, at first I thought it was something alien, something unusual (which it is), and just something that is pretty amazing at the same time.

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