Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Interview (But It's Really Not)

20 Questions for Student of the Month

1. How do you feel about being chosen for the student of the month?
2.Does being SOTM put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders? (Follow up: How does it affect you?)
3. What do you do outside of school/for the community?
4. Do you help other students when you can, why or why not?
5. What school activities are you in?
6. Why are you in those activities?
7. What activity do you like the most?
8.  How do you think your teachers feel about you being chosen?
9. How do you feel about grades being a major part of being chosen for SOTM?
10. Which class do you do best in?
11. How much time do you spend studying?
12. What troubles do you have with balancing your time between school and activities?
13. What are some tips you would give to students for balancing their time for school and outside activities?
14.  If you could choose one thing that you would be better at, what would it be? (FU: Why did you pick that?)
15.  Why do you think some students have trouble with school?
16.  What kind of tips would you give to other students who aren't doing well in school to do better?
17. If you were asked to tutor some other students, would you? (FU: Why or why not?)
18.  What kind of clubs are you in if you are in one? (Follow up: What does that club do?)
19. Were there any difficulties you ran into during the year with school? (FU: What were they? How did you overcome them?)
20. What are some of the most memorable moments you've had this year so far?

Interviewee: Alexa Robinson, 9th Grader
Interviewer: Rebecca Melnick

Student of the Month
  1. I feel pretty excited and special to have been chosen for Student of The Month. **
  2. Kind of, people think that I have to have good grades and be a really hard worker.
  3. Outside of school I'm in Cross Country and track, for CR I do races for 2 and 3 miles, track I do the 100. I also have an internship and volunteer at a hospital and church.
  4. Yes, I know what it's like to not want to ask for help and not get things; I don't want others to be in that position.
  5. I'm in cross country, tack, and I'm going to start taking Sports Medicine. In sports med. I will work with coaches and trainers to tend to injured players in sports, I also just started the class.
  6. I did cross country to stay fit and I really like running. I'm also interested in sports medicine because I like to help people.
  7. I like cross country the most because I met a lot of friends and it really helps relieve stress I have.
  8. My teachers are most likely proud of me for being Student of The Month, I'm their student so they're probably proud and happy because their hard work paid off, and because of the bragging rights.
  9. Grades should be a big reason for SOTM to be picked, grades are a big part of life, but it's also unfair because those who work really hard to get SOTM may feel stupid for not being chosen. Some people are way smarter and don't/won't get the chance to really show their intelligence to others outside of class.
  10. The class I do the best in is Pre-AP Algebra 1, with Ms. Manscalco, (may be spelt wrong right now) I get numbers easily and the formulas are getting easier to get down.
  11. During the weekdays I spend about 1 and a half to 2 hours studying, so per week I spend maybe [up to] 18 hours depending on how busy I am, I also spend more time studying during the weekdays rather than the weekends.
  12. Well, with school work I don't always want to focus on it or do too much, so I almost always find something else to do. I also can be kind of lazy and procrastinate sometimes.
  13. Remember your reason why you're doing this, having a motivation really helps to get things done and make sure your priorities are straight/important to you.
  14. Time management is something I'm not too good at and wish to get better with, when I get lazy or want to do something else it's hard to get back on track to what I was doing before.
  15. I think that some students have trouble with school, because it can be hard to focus on school work and the teacher. Just remember your goals and what's important to you in school.
  16. Go ahead and ask for help, don't be afraid to ask because when you get that help it will show in the future and when you have the "Ah-hah!" moment you'll be proud of yourself.
  17. It depends on how busy I am and what subject I would help the student with, it it's english 1 or pre-AP algebra 1 I will gladly help and tutor someone.
  18. I'm currently not in a club, but I'd really like to join the Red Cross club next year because it helps out the community and people in general.
  19. Some trouble I had this year was focusing on my school work, because I find other things to do when I work on it and sometimes procrastinate. I also had some trouble adjusting to the environment of high school from being in middle school.
  20. Some of my most memorable moments that happened this year was doing my first cross country race and making a lot of friends plus hanging out with them.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Architecture Photo Shoot






*Light and Angle are two different photos*

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Travis Haughton
The general focus is a kid who is deaf, just the disabilities people are born with and some sports
Dislikes: 1. The focus of a head is off putting 2. Sometimes its hard to tell what the photo is when the focus is mostly on an intimate object  3. Some of them look "set up" 4. No signs
Likes: 1. The oddness of the guy with the cotton candy looks good  2. Having some of the pictures be a little looser
This portfolio is, to me, kind of weird in general but I like it. The pictures that Travis shot are good, especially the ones that focus with sports. There isn't anything that really stands out for me.

Sam Adams
The general focus is people, so photoj.
Dislikes: 1. Silhouettes  2. When there are some tilts  3. Telephone lines
Likes: 1. When theres more action in the picture  2. Framing in black and white when the bikers are coming at the photographer
I think that this portfolio is good, there are some things that put it off like a really clear on going theme (to me) and that some of the pictures could be better than what he got. Putting that aside, the portfolio is interesting and has some good shots that really are there and something that I love to see like the bikers who are sitting at the "vodo pool" (thats what they called it) and the sun is setting with a beautiful view of the hills behind it with the sky.

Daryl Peveto
The general focus is Photoj, seniors, and just in general life.
Dislikes: 1. Very bland pictures  2. Frames/captions that are overused or used "wrong" 3.
Likes: 1. Good lighting on the subject  2. Good color balance in the overall picture
This portfolio could've been way better, there isn't anything that really stands out and nothing seems really good. I really don't like how "bland" the photos they take seem or are, the only pictures I like are when the picture is split showing two different scenes between walls.

Dustin Snipes
A. How tight the picture is, grittiness, the color texture, the set up in a picture, having people doing something in the photo.
B. How photoshopped some things are in a picture, too much chaos in a picture

Contest Recap
A. The judges first go through all the portfolios, after they go through all of them they look at all of the portfolios WITHOUT flipping through the whole thing an just looking at the whole view in order. The talk about what pictures stand/stood out to them.

Individual Images
1. The picture that I agree with the judges on is the one where the (supposedly woman) is playing tennis leans her head back, raises her arms up in somewhat fists, her racket is falling down and she just seems really happy. The picture itself is really beautiful, the racket is at the perfect angle where you can see what it is and the picture can be tighter but the viewer will still know what it is of. (No pro/ No college)
2. The picture I disagree with the judges is where theres a girl in the hot tub, submerging herself under the water next to the diving board and pool. The view is in birds eye, so the viewer can get a good look. I really don't like how its birds eye, nothing strands out to me and because she's in the middle of the picture and is the main focus, it takes away from the potential this picture could've had.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action Photo Shoot

Directly at Camera
 90 Degree Angle

Architecture and Preview Assignment

1. I agree with the statement, most of what we get from a foreign place reminds us of the trip, what it was like to be there, the people, the culture, and food even. These souvenirs are kept as reminders for us and as something special.
This statement makes me feel like there's a ton more in pictures that can be explained with words, even if its just something simple like a little marble in the palm of a child's hand. Some pictures are also a souvenir to us visitors.

2.  I personally do not want to go there with my camera and takes pictures, there's just so much going on in those booths and I don't feel like it can make a connection to the viewer besides, "Oh hey, that looks like a cool place to go" and that's just not something I like.

3.  As a child, it seems like working in one of those booths would be hard, there's so many toys that they can't play with, they have to keep themselves "under check" and not lose control.  At the same time, I think it would be fun and interesting, they would get to see new people, talk to other people, and look at new booths too.

4. My favorite picture is  of the girl and her mom sitting at a plastic red table surrounded by selves of glass plates/china. The desk with the computer is clean, but in front of it its a bit of a mess. I love how this picture doesn't have so much going on and how they seem calm; it just makes the whole shopping center seem nicer.

5 Places

Hundertwasserhaus, Germany

1.  Friedensreich Hundertwasser was the architect
2.  It was built in 1998-2000
3. It's located in Darmstadt, Germany
4. People can visit this building, its an apartment building
5. No
6. It was started being built in 1998 and was completed in 2000, the building is used as an apartment building.
7. I chose this building because I thought it was interesting, I like seeing buildings in countries that are in my family lineage and wonder if anyone in my family has seen it. Besides that, I thought that it looked cool. I don't need to see amazing buildings to find it interesting, even if a building is very big or super small.

Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Santiago Calatrava was the architect
2. It was built in 2001
3. The location of this building is in Malmö, Sweden
4. The Turning Torso is a residential skyscraper, people can visit
5.  It cost around $220 million to build
6. There isn't really any information.
7. This building has always interested me, although I never knew what it was called. Because this building was buit to kind of turn at a 90 degree angle, it looks like it's twisting, like it will fall onto the ground. Even though there are some weird supports on the building, it still looks really cool/weird to be inside of or even live in. What doesn't look cool or even jaw-dropping about this building?

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria

1. Colin Fournier and Peter Cook were the architects
2. 2003 was when it was built
3. Its located in Graz, Austria
4. This building is meant to hold art productions, mostly assuming that people can visit.
5. Cant find how much it cost
6. This building is also know as the "blob architecture" and was mostly built to "procure contemporary art productions".
7. I thought that this building looked unique. People don't see something like this everyday or call a building a blob. When something has an unusual name, people want to see why. In this case, I don't see a blob; I see a weird looking heart. This building is mostly made out of glass, apparently, so when I think of a heart I think of something more fragile and it all fits together.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. The architect for this building is Nicholas Grimshaw
2. The construction stared in 2000
3. Its located in Cornwall, Untied Kingdom
4. This building is extremely open to the public
5. This attraction costed 140 million euros to build
6. The eden project was built to be like the lost gardens of Heligan, which Tim Smit was restoring and finding more of.
7. Ever since 5th grade, Ive been interested in looking at attractions in either different countries or different states. One day I came across the Eden Project and was like, "Whoa, this is really cool" and behold, I've come across it again.  Because the Eden Project has different climates and plants, it's really family friendly and a pretty cool place to go on a field trip for school.

Habitat 67, Canada

1. The architect was Moshe Safdie
2. It was opened in 1967
3. The location for this building is in Montréal, Canada
4. It's open to people
5. I can't find how much it cost to build
6. Safdie felt that it was "more efficient" to have  buildings and factories in the same thing, like a package.
7. Something about these buildings interest me, I can't explain it. Just because something isn't colorful doesn't mean that its  not cool or not interesting. The way that it's shaped is just very intriguing and with its name, at first I thought it was something alien, something unusual (which it is), and just something that is pretty amazing at the same time.

Thursday, March 3, 2016