Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazine Part 2

1. The early magazine covers didn't really have a page to call a cover, and if one did it wasn't very appealing to the eye. It was more 'run down', sad, boring, and a bit too complex. These kind of magazines make us ask if we should use cover lines.
2.  The poster cover is a cover that doesn't really need a cover line, the picture itself shows all the words that are needed. Besides the magazine name and the credits of who made the magazine and took the cover picture, nothing else is really needed.
3. For the cover pictures in the pictures married to type, the models usually has their full body in the picture rather than it being from their chest/torso up. The cover pictures have the model's head overlapping the title, or popping out from the picture in a way.
4.  The forest of words covers seem to be more up-to-date than the other three kinds of covers, the covers also consist of one or two people/models on it. The covers are also covered in words, regardless of the title and the magazine title there are hooks to get the viewer to read the magazine.

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