Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fashion Photography

1. In the Dove video the models lips were made bigger, her neck became longer, her eyes were slightly moved down and bigger, her hair was made longer, her shoulders/neck was made smaller, her cheek bones were raised, and her face was made slightly smaller

2. In the video, the model's nose, lips, eyes, cheek bones (they're higher), shoulders (also higher), some body fat was cut off to give her more curves, her legs were made longer and feet/heels smaller, her neck was are longer, and her skin tone is lighter.

3. The model's body was made smaller, her breasts are made slightly larger, her skin tone is slightly darkened, her curves are more defined, and her hair is made bigger/longer. The lighting is also changed so its lighter and puts more focus on the model.

4. It's really not that ethically acceptable to change the looks of a person in a photo because its not really what they look like and the company only cares about ratings and that people are interested in it and would want to look at the photo. Sometimes when someone changes how one person looks it can be offending to another race, like all the models were girls and they were white. There was no African American, black, or asian models.

5. It would be morally wrong to change, or to mutate, how someone looks when they aren't okay with it and if the person is changing it is trying to make them look bad, trying to make them feel bad about themselves, trying to hurt the other person etc.

6. Some changes like eyes, hair, cutting some body fat is okay but completely changing how someone looks is not okay. If the editor is making someone fatter, 'uglier' or unappealing its really not okay because it goes against that person that is being change in the picture.

7. Fashion photography is supposed to be more appealing to the human eyes and for making money off of magazines, modeling, and other businesses. Photography is meant to take a picture and show it, not necessarily make money off of it unless its a job. Fashion photography pictures have a model who is okay with their looks being changed photography usually does not/is not like that.

8. Both photography and fashion photography pictures both change the actual image like the lighting, cropping, colors, etc. They both are trying to make the picture more appealing to the eye, one focussed on that more than the other.

9. I think you are showing us these videos to make a point and say that sometimes editing/manipulating a picture isn't always good, that some pictures aren't what they seem, and that not all pictures should be manipulated. Models are okay with their picture(s) being manipulated, but not everyone is. Sometimes the manipulation can be bad and against the person and not with them. Changing pictures/photos is technically lying to the viewer rather than just being like, "Oh hey, look at this cool picture/beautiful model, it/they look(s) so cool and nice!" and thats just not really okay.

10. None of these videos are about guys because most men models don't have to go through all of the photoshopping edits, but women do. Women have such high standards for looking pretty, nice, beautiful, appealing etc. they have to have nice curves, be thin, have big breasts and its all just so stupid honestly. Men, on the other hand, just have to be them, they don't really have to worry about their looks to be a model. Some can be muscular, tan, have a beard, glasses, a nice jaw; it all doesn't matter that much and they don't get all the hate for not being the way society wants them to be.

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