Friday, October 16, 2015

Mural Project and Great Black and White Photographer part 3

1. I think that the theme that we could take around the school for the mural project is anything "artsy." It should be something that shows emotion, that means something more than the photo really is. Its hard to explain because when pictures are in black and white they end up being more powerful than pictures with color.
2. We should be able to use both phone cameras and regular cameras, but it should be up to the person taking the pictures to decide what they want to use.
3. Maybe the mural should go by/near the main entrance so its in a place where most people can see it.


1. Minor White's photos just caught my interest, nothing in particular really caught my eyes. I guess his photos just gave off more meaning than if someone else were to take the exact same picture.

 2. (First picture) I see the rays of the sun beating down on a mountain through the clouds, telling people to look at the mountain's beauty when really its the rays of light that hold the most beauty in the picture. A river is running to the mountain, or away from it, leading people back to the mountain regardless of where its true destination really is. The trees surround the mountain and river, holding the animals in and giving them a home, giving the mountain something to look and be proud upon.
I smell the air surrounding the forest, the freshness of the air is refreshing. The fish in the river give off a slightly potent smell once I find myself standing beside it, the algae in the river give it an even more potent smell. But the air that surrounds the mountain gives off the smell of rock being torn away at by the animals that climb it every so often.
I hear the wind blowing through the branches of the trees and hitting into something, creating a small "whoosh. Animals secretly crawl around gathering food, communicating to one another in their own language. The mountains softly groans as parts of it's rocks hit the ground with a soft-or loud-"thud".
I taste the fresh air in the forest. It tastes like a refreshing, soft but slightly bitter like coffee in the morning. I also taste the water from the river as it runs past me bit by bit.
I feel the soft dirt that surrounds the mountain and forest, some of it may be patted down from the animals running around, but its still soft. I feel the icy cold water coat my hand as I stick it into the river, cupping it so I can get a small drink. I also feel the warmth from the rays of the sun beating down onto my back from being split by the clouds.

(Second picture) I see the road looking like it will go on forever and ever, giving me no clue of where I shall end up next. The trees that surround it look like cotton that has been pulled in every direction, forcing it to look like a branch on a tree. The branches from the trees stretch up into the sky, leading my eyes to the clouds rolling above in the pretty blue sky.
I smell a slight hint in the air that it could rain soon. The air carries it around as it blows into my face also making me smell the grass that keeps the path from expanding too far in width. There are birds flying around, some carrying berries which also mixes into the air just ever so slightly.
I hear the birds flying past me, letting the wind guide them back to their nest. The wind blows softly into my ears, whispering and telling me to keep following the path. I go a bit off of the path and into the grass which my feet crush, creating a crunch when I step on the dead blades of the grass.
I taste the moist in the air that makes it seem like the place where the path is is humid. When I open my mouth to breathe in, a small leaf lands on my tongue. Bitter spreads across my tongue and I spit it out.
I feel the blades of grass cut into my bare feet when I walk onto the grass, some leave small indents on my feet. The wind surprisingly softly slaps me in the face telling me to get back on the path and to keep walking. The path welcomes me back by bringing a sharp pain into my left foot, the gravel sticks to my foot making it harder and harder to keep on walking. My legs begin to feel sore, but I keep walking because the wind and path want me to.

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