Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Africa and Abandoned Theme Park

1.  The pictures that Nick Brandt took were deep, they showed the wild life in Africa and gave it a new view point. He cares for the animals so much that he will wait 17 days to take a picture of a lion, all because he loved it's face and that, to me, is pretty inspiring. In the pictures he took, I saw the wild life plus a little bit more. There was drama in the pictures, like the animals were thinking about something that is/was going on in their life.
In this picture that Nick Brandt took, a lioness and her cub are together, the lioness is nuzzling her cub while the cub looks at the camera. I really like this picture because it focuses on two lions out of the whole pack, it shows the caring mother and the little cub who could be troublesome or very obedient. The rest of the pack is laying down and in the background, putting more of the focus on the cub and its mother.
3. The rule in this picture is balance, simplicity, and lines; the other lions in the background even the background out, putting more of the focus on the two; because the picture is zoomed in on, or more focused on the two lions which makes it simplicity; the grass on the bottom of the picture leads up to the two lions so leading lines are introduced.
4. Nick Brandt used a Pentax 67 system and possibly the normal lens, or he could've used the P67 120mm soft focus lens. The camera and lens are important when taking a picture because different lenses help for taking different kinds of pictures, like motion, soft focus, focus in general, still, light etc. same with the camera too.
5, 6, 7. Nick takes these pictures of the wild life in Africa because he's moved by them, theres "something deep and emotionally stirring" with the wild life in Africa. Nick is trying to save the animals basically while he captures the beauty of Africa. He's saying that because of all the poaching the wild life in decreasing so much and the crops aren't really growing because of global warming. "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist." -Nick Brandt

Abandoned Theme Parks
1. I would go to the Six Flags in New Orleans because of the "Main Street", it offers so much like its beauty, its great for framing, and there are so many shots that can be taken there. The abandoned rides there seem like they can offer so much more than looking broken down and destroyed, instead of taking the pictures of the rides at sundown and getting the really creepy effect, I would take the pictures in the morning or afternoon because then the light can show so much more. The rides can give off different emotions rather than creepy, they can give off something more curious.

2. Five cool and interesting places to take pictures would be the Whitehaven Beach in Australia, Kaieteur Falls in Guyana, the Five color Turquoise lake in the Jiuzhaigou National Park located in China, Thor's Well, and the Zakynthos Island in Greece.
This is a picture of "Thor's Well", which is a hole int he ocean, taken by Majeed Badizadegan.

3. I think that this place would be amazing to take pictures of because of how it makes people go "Whoa..." in awe. It would also be fun and a bit dangerous to go to the body of water in which the hole lays. Thor's Well is near Cape Perpetua in Oregon, so it probably isn't that dangerous, but it would be so much fun to go to the cape to take pictures of it. There can be a person on the other side of the hole to scale it. The water looks like mist thats being sucked into the hole never to be seen again, it makes me want to go and see where the mist/water goes, its like an adventure but not really.
4. If I were to go to Oregon, I would need a ticket to fly over, a camera and lens that would be good to take pictures of water and freeze the motion behind the focus. Expenses wise, I think the price would be well over $1,000 by far. I would need a way to get out to Thor's Hole, waterproof equipment, a place to stay, food, etc.

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