Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic-Post Shoot

 For this photo I used the rule of simplicity. The subject of the photo is hard to tell unless the one viewing the photo has been in the room before, but the girl in the navy blue shirt is sitting down working on something. When people look at this photo, the subject is clear-unless they want to look at the beautiful lamp-because she's taking up most of the space in the photo. In this photo its hard to tell what the girl is doing. Is she working on a paper, a computer, a drawing etc.? The computer she's working on was covered up by another girl who I cut out of the picture because she was distracting.

In this photo the rule of balance is applied because theres the French teacher and the students evenly balancing the photo out. The subject is the class itself, not something in particular. Theres not one person being focused on in this photo. When people look at this photo the subject should be clear. There's french on the board not a world map, math/numbers, music etc.

 The rule for this photo is simplicity because the guy is in focus and not in the background blurred out. The subject is hard to tell what it is because the viewer cannot see whats on the paper he's holding, or the paper at all. Regardless, the subject is choir. It is not that clear to people what the subject really is. I could've included the sheet music that the guy is looking at so he can sing.

For this photo the rule is leading lines because of the tree the person is painting is leading to their hand which holds the paintbrush that points back to the painting. The subject is art, painting specifically. The person is holding a paintbrush and painting a tree. The subject is clear when people are looking at the photo.


 Its one of the choir teachers, he looks hella funny. No, this was not photoshopped in.
Self explanatory.

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