Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine and Photo Prompt Review

(Photo Prompt)

1.  I liked the "Footprint" photo the best, because out of all of the others it seemed to be in more detail and more interesting. The other three seemed to be something someone else could've done, or did, or they weren't as in focus as this one.

2. My least favorite is the "The End" one, it doesn't seem in focus and I [personally] need to squint to get a better look at it. The light at the top of the trees seem to be too bright and the bars aren't in focus so the rest of the photo seems to not be as well.

3. The pictures overall aren't what everyone would've done so they're unique in their own way and interesting. They're also good for fitting with the cropping.

4. I think that you could work on getting a better focus on the object you're taking a picture of, its something that bothers me a lot, but once again thats just me most likely. If something in front of the picture isn't in focus then the rest of it seems to not be as well, even if it is in focus. Well, that depends on if you need/want the thing in front of it to be blurry-just be careful.

5. I think that the best picture you portrayed was the "The End" one. It made a bit more sense than the others, footprints didn't need to be an actual footprint and same with the "Yummy" one.

6. The photo that was least portrayed, in my opinion, was the "Connected" photo. Yes, it does kind of make sense to take a picture of other countries' flags, but it doesn't really show how we're connected to them, I think.

(Magazine Cover)

1. I looked at the Holidaze magazine by Maria.

2.  I like how some of the words cover the model, but whoever is looking at it can still clearly see her and can read the captions without much of a problem.

3. There should be a date of when the magazine was made and how much it costs. Looking at the cover up close there doesn't seem to be one. People should know how much to pay for it. And it might've been a little bit more helpful if the photo wasn't so dark, it makes the model hard to see because her glasses and hair seem to merge into the background.

4.  I would've picked the other cover, but the colors on this one and the white brought me in. The way the captions are positioned, so to say, made it stand out more.

5. Yes, the bar code looks fine to me.

6. I personally would pick up the magazine if I walked by it in a store. The colors make it stand out a bit more than others, only problem is is that I don't really read magazines.

7. I can't really tell if this was a self-portrait or not, but I'm assuming it wasn't.

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