Thursday, May 12, 2016

Merger Picture

Starting Car Raid

1. My subject will be my brother's friend Megan.
2. I will do this car raid over the weekend (the weekend of 5/14-5/15)
3. Q1. Why do you have some stickers on the trunk of your car?
4. Some details  I will write about are what I saw and follow up with the Q&A that relates to it, then what I thought about that.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Photo

1. I think that trees and shadows and be a problem when merging photos.
2. To do the merger photo, avoiding plants, do theres a possibility of doing one when someone is laying down on the ground, or in the pit.
3. Well, if I'm laying down, or my "subject" is, I can use their hair as a prop and try to spell things out, OR I can try something with water or paint-something liquify.
4. Maybe some clothes that aren't see through. That would be nice. But on an actual note, I don't really think that there would be any particular clothes that would help unless someone is fighting themselves.

HDR Photos


These two I actually tried, I wanted to see what they would both look like with my best efforts and in the end I think the first one is better.

These are the two I messed around with


1. My favorite photo is the one where theres a body of water near a few houses in front of the sunrise/sunset; surrounded by little hills (or mountains) covered in shrubs, tress, and grasses.
2. It doesn't seem like all of these photos could've been taken by a phone, but there are some spots where it seems like it does like the picture of the mother and her daughter/child.
3. I think that some apps can heavily affect how the photos look, not pictures taken by phones come out so smoothly or with nice lighting. However, we have technology in this age and that technology can help make those photos more smooth and nice.
4. A. When taking a panoramic, don't just use your body to move so you can get the panoramic; use a tripod to help keep it steady BUT be careful for moving objects.
    B. Don't just get the straight on angles, be creative with using your phone and the different things it can do. Use the slow-mo, try the panoramic, try to use the different "lens"/ways of taking the photos.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Photography

1. By setting the camera in AEB mode, changing the exposer, maybe the angle/height of the tripod.
2. I'll need a tripod, a HDR blending program, and a camera.
3. Someone may take these kinds of pictures to have fun with the effects and have a cool picture.
4. When merging the photos, something new will come out of it. Some of the objects or colors may extend the photo, or it may add a whole new dimension or look on it too.

My Final Exam Plan

1. I will be shooting this assignment on Saturday April 30, 2016.
2. I will be taking pictures (saying shooting for this sounds like I'm gonna be actually shooting people) on the road and at a breeders house.
3. My story is about a family-my family-getting a puppy
4. I need my camera, the puppies, more puppies, and puppies! (I just really need my camera and my different lens)
5. So, I'm planning on taking pictures as we travel to Houston and getting some nice shots of the different roads, the land around, some cool little tricks with moving cars, the house (as long as its okay with the breeder who I can't remember her name), where the puppies are, the puppy being put in the car (she'll be by my feet the whole ride!), and then the ride home, introducing her to the house, seeing how the cats react and then well-a! I plan on using the video to show the puppies together and the narration when we're getting close to the house, when I use the video, when we're leaving, arriving home, and then at the end.