Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Intro To Newspaper

1. My favorite newspaper front page is the one called "Enterprise-Record". I like how it's set up mostly, how the main picture is near the middle and drawing attention to it by being near big and bolded text. I also like how some of the stories are surrounding it and get the reader hooked.

2.  The headline that I like the most is "Snow And Sand", I'm just interested in snow. That's one of the reasons why I like it so much, it makes the reader think of a beach kind of because of the "sand" part. Usually when someone thinks of sand they think of something hot, and when someone thinks of snow they think of somewhere cold usually.

3. There are 3 stories on my favorite front page.

4. Most of the newspapers try to make their pictures draw attention to them, the headlines/titles aren't really drawing much attention to the newspaper its mostly the pictures that are. The newspapers either have stories on the front page or little clips of a story to get the reader hooked into reading it. Many of the newspapers try to draw attention by colors, big text, different sized text for the title, and pictures.

5. Things that vary on newspapers are their titles, what pictures draw attention with their sizes, the placements of the stories, how the headlines are placed, the size of pictures, if there's just one major picture for the whole front page etc. No two newspapers should be the same. Some newspapers have ads on the bottom, some use colors in their major headline or title, some have a whole story on the front, some are put into little sections for their stories and pictures; most newspapers focus on what's on the front page more than what's inside it.