Thursday, November 12, 2015

Portrait/Self-Portrait Preview

1. As I looked through these photos I felt happiness at first, then confusion, then I felt sorrow. The first 5 photos I understood that they were a young couple and that they were cute together. I can't really explain how I felt looking at these, its hard to say how you feel when looking at pictures of a normal couple go to something worrying, something sad.. It makes you want to say, "I feel sorry for them." because thats what most people do when they hear that someone has lost someone important to them, we naturally feel sorry.
2. I think that the comment means that the pictures show who they are, what their love is/was, how he was strong enough to stay there beside her taking pictures and showing his love. He cared for her greatly not to leave her, she needed him and he needed her.
3. Honestly, I wouldn't write a letter to Angelo-Im not good with these sorts of things. I would only make him miss her more probably, but if I had to write a letter to him I would ask questions.
Ex: Angelo,
I saw the pictures you took of your wife while she was going through Breast Cancer and I kind of just wanted to ask for some of your favorite memories with her, what they were, why they stuck with you. I just hope it isn't prying too much into your personal life.

Tips 1. Experiment with lighting 2. Play with Eye Contact 3. Introduce Movement
Environmental Portrait

I liked these two pictures because the first one seems more deep, it shows more emotion rather than some girl looking into her reflection from a window. Besides the picture being black and white, which seems to add more emotion and thought, the girl is looking at herself with no real emotion and that makes my mind wander to a point where I think about all these thing she could be thinking about, trying to understand her. Theres a husky, thats what really caught my attention for the second picture, not only that but it looks like this man just proposed to his now fiancé, so the feels are real. The sunset, or rise, in the background creates this setting of "oh its so pretty" because usually humans think sunsets/rises are pretty. Everything about this picture is something I find cool, cute, pretty, a bit breath taking, and amazing.
Self Portraits

This may seem weird, but I love self portraits that show how a person is really feeling and the depressed or hurt ones just really get my attention because I feel like they show so much more than the ones that don't. When a person is hurt they usually tend to show how they feel more than when a person is happy. Its kind of hard-for me-to explain this, but when someone feels depressed words can't just tell all of it. When someone says, "There aren't any words to explain how I feel," its kind of true. How someone acts shows so much more and these two pictures, which are by the same person (Christian Hopkins), really get my attention and pull me in. I love how creative he gets with his self portraits because he can actually express himself well enough to the point where the viewer gets it, for the most part.

Casual Portraits

 There's no real reason why I like these two portraits, most of what I like and what grabs my attention has already been said when I was explaining the other 4 portraits. These two aren't tat different from the others, the guy with the rose is in black and white so that got me. With blue hair and aviators, the look from the girl pulled me into the portrait too, kind of. She's looking off at something but the edge of the portrait is "cut off" so the viewer doesn't know whats she's looking at and that makes the viewer wonder if they can find out what it is by looking in the reflection of her aviators for however long.

For my portrait assignment Im not 100% sure what Im going to do for myself, but I want to show a side of me, who I am, what I do etc. For what I'm going to do for the portrait of another person I'm going to take one of my friend Sam, I want to get the happy side of her when she's laughing or smiling. She's an outgoing, funny, and cool friend and I would really love to fit all of that in a portrait of her. Maybe she can be holding her bunny, Vanilla, in it because she loves Vanilla a lot. I may have to shoot more than one and combine them all together, which ill figure out how to do. There's so many sides to Sam that I really want to capture, but I don't think that they call can be caught in one snap.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2

 Balancing Elements
Rule of Thirds
Leading Lines